The Fellowship of Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Parish.


Our parish priest, Rev Father Alexandros Korlos (founder of the Fellowship, 1996) and fellowship leader of 23 years and tonsured sermon giver, George Haralambopoulos, look forward to warmly welcoming you to discover and explore this wonderful jewel called ‘Orthodoxy’.

We invite you on a journey to explore the Orthodox faith and Holy Traditions under The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia. The St Nicholas Fellowship is conducted in English on Monday nights at 7:30 pm at the parish hall. It is open to all and free to all from 18 years of age onwards.

The fellowship begins with a short prayer to God. Before opening the holy pages of the Bible the king of all books, we ask Him to open our hearts as we seek divine enlightenment and understanding in our quest to become better Christians. 

Based upon the upcoming Sunday Gospel readings, Feast days and Lives of the Saints, we study the meanings and cross-reference with the Bible scripture from both the Old and New Testaments. We also discuss current world events, relevant news and questions that you may have.

Social events include:

  • Religious movies at the historic Sun Theatre (e.g. Ben Hur, King of Kings, The Greatest Story Ever Told, The Passion)

  • Pizza nights

  • Day trips to Panagia Gorgoepikoos Monastery in Geelong

  • Cooking demonstrations from the Saint Nicholas Ladies Auxiliary of religious food such as Koliva (memorial offering), Prosphoron (Bread of Offering), and bread for Artoclassia (Service of The Five Loaves).

In the service of the risen Christ,
George Haralambopoulos.
Enquiries 0412 275 496